A Student's Guide
to a Successful Demo

How to prepare and interact when
you are taking a demo with a teacher
Follow These Steps

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Choose a topic for the tutor to teach during the demo, offering a glimpse into their teaching style.

Join the demo on time to maximize the learning opportunity and show respect.

Opt for a quiet place for undistracted participation in the demo.

Ensure optimal visual and audio connections, along with sufficient internet speed, for a seamless demo experience.

Preparing for the Demo

  • Ensure a quiet, well-lit space with a good internet connection for the demo lesson.
  • Make sure your camera, mic and audio is working properly.
  • Check that all necessary teaching tools (such as digital whiteboard, writing tools, etc.) are accessible and functioning properly.
  • Prepare in advance the topic to be taught during the demo, including materials and resources.

Interacting with the Tutor

  • Introduce yourself, including your academic goals and areas you need help with.
  • Actively engage with the tutor. Participation can range from asking relevant questions, discussing your understanding of the topic, to providing your thoughts on the teaching method.
  • Establishing an open and friendly communication channel with the tutor will help create a more effective and enjoyable learning environment.

Understanding the Tutor's Background

  • Pay close attention when the tutor shares their qualifications, experience, and teaching style. This will provide insights into their expertise and method of instruction.
  • Feel free to ask any further questions about the tutor’s background or their teaching methodologies if something isn’t clear.

Experiencing the Teaching Method

  • Pay attention to how the tutor explains the chosen topic, uses teaching aids like a digital whiteboard, and how they handle questions or doubts.
  • The teaching method and interaction style during the demo will provide a good idea of what regular sessions with the tutor might be like

Active Participation

  • Ask questions whenever a doubt arises. This will not only clarify the topic but also give an idea of how well the tutor handles questions.
  • Interaction is key. Express your understanding of the topic, provide your inputs, and engage in the discussion. This can make the learning process more effective.

Providing Feedback

  • Provide Tuition Highway feedback at the end of the session. Honest feedback about the tutor’s teaching style, communication, and interaction can be invaluable for both parties.
  • The feedback should also include your thoughts about the teaching materials, resources used, and the overall flow of the session.